We offer a variety of Prayer Leaflets to help you get started with prayer and to support you through particular situations.
The leaflets are freely available in church or you can click on the title below to open the leaflet online:
To help you understand prayer: To Help You Pray
To help you cope with the loss of a loved one: When You Are Bereaved
To know how much God loves you despite your worries: A Little Book of Hope
To help you slow down in your busy life: A Little Book of Rest and How to Ask for Help
To help you and your children pray: Prayers for Kids
We also have seasonal prayer leaflets: Prayers for Lent and Easter, Prayers for Summer (2012), Prayers for Advent and Christmas
We will continue to add to these titles so if you have any suggestions about situations you feel would benefit from a prayer leaflet, please contact us on info@edgeleyandcheadleheath.org.uk.