We hold a Prayer Breakfast on the first Saturday of every month. The early start at 8-30a.m. is well worth it as we come together for worship and prayer. People from all denominations and walks of life are welcome to join us.
We pray in small groups and focus on different themes each month. We include world events, the needs of our community, our own situations and the needs of people known to us.
All prayer is confidential and there is no requirement to pray out loud.
We close the prayers at 9-30a.m. and gather for breakfast. This is an opportunity to get to know each other better. There is no charge for this event; a donation towards the cost of breakfast is welcome but not mandatory.
If you can't attend the Prayer Breakfast but have prayer needs, you can complete our online prayer request at any time and our Prayer Team will pray for you.
A resource for you...if you are not able to join us for a prayer breakfast, here are some notes and Bible verses that you may find helpful. These notes focus on our family, our local community and other issues. The notes are for guidance only - you may want to add your own issues and make notes as you bring your prayers to the Lord.